Veneers In Houston

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are a quick and effective treatment for dental imperfections like chipped, cracked, or stained teeth. They involve attaching wafer-thin shells that mimic your tooth’s shape and color on the top surface of your teeth. These shells blend with the rest of the teeth and hide the said imperfections. They’re a minimally-invasive and longer-lasting alternative to teeth whitening, dental bonding, and other cosmetic treatments.

The Veneer Treatment Process

Initial Consultation and Examination
After scheduling an appointment with the dentist, the dentist will first consult you about the procedure. The consultation will discuss your concerns and provide an avenue to discuss your aesthetic goals and ask any questions. After consultation, the dentist will examine your teeth and gums to determine whether veneers suit your dental needs.

Treatment Plan and  Tooth Preparation
Information from the dental examination will help your Houston dentist create a personalized treatment plan for your treatment. The treatment plan details the procedural steps, what anesthetic they’ll use, and post-treatment medication. With the plan at hand, the dentist will prepare the tooth by applying an etching solution on the tooth’s surface. This creates rough ridges that help the bonding material bond better with the tooth.

Taking Impressions and Veneer Fabrication
After preparation, the dentist will use a putty-like substance or a 3D digital scanner to get impressions of your teeth. The putty-like substance creates a mold that the dentist sends to a lab to fabricate your veneers. Veneer fabrication takes about two to three weeks, depending on the lab.

Veneer Placement and Final Adjustments
The dentist will call you in to place the veneers once they arrive. Placement involves first positioning the veneers on the affected teeth to check their fit. If they fit properly, the dentist will apply dental glue to the back of the veneers and place them on your teeth. After, they’ll use a special flight to cement the veneers in place, make final adjustments, and release you home.

What to Expect

The Orthodontic Care Process

With orthodontic care, it is important to take dental impressions and x-rays to efficiently determine what type of treatment you will need. After placing the braces or starting your aligners, follow up appointments and maintenance are the most essential part of orthodontic care. We will go over a treatment plan with you and schedule any appointments so you can remain diligent about keeping a healthy smile.

orthodontics in Houston
veneers in Houston

The Benefits of Dental Veneers

Minimally Invasive

Getting dental veneers is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure compared to others. It doesn’t involve any incision or drilling into the teeth or jawbone and, as such, doesn’t require anesthesia. It only involves shaving bits of the enamel, which is largely painless.

They Look and Feel Natural

Laboratories manufacture veneers to look and feel like your natural teeth. As such, they can blend seamlessly with the rest of your teeth, giving you pleasant, natural-looking teeth. It’s hard for anyone to notice you have veneers unless they come really close.


Dental veneers don’t require any special appliances or products to maintain them. Caring for your veneers is as easy as brushing and flossing your teeth regularly. Plus, since they’re non-porous, they resist staining from highly-pigmented foods and can maintain their polished look for years.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a Good Candidate for Veneers?

Veneers are ideal for anyone with healthy teeth and in good health. However, they’re especially useful for individuals with imperfections on their teeth. These imperfections may include but aren’t limited to cracks, chips, and stains on the enamel. We’ll examine your teeth to determine your candidacy for veneers.

How Long Do Veneers Last?

The longevity of veneers depends on the type of veneer. Strong porcelain veneers last 20 years or more, while composite veneers last 7 to 10 years. The lifespan of your veneers also depends on how well you care for them. Neglecting proper oral hygiene compromises the longevity of your veneers.